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Blask release note 27.03.2023

Q4 2023 data for India and Brazil is added, and header navigation is implemented. Navigation buttons on the Country page enhance chart manipulation, while the Brand page allows removing brands from comparison. Minor fixes improve navigation and maintain selected brands during time filter changes.

Blask Team


Updated India and Brazil customer profiles with data for Q4 2023.

Implemented header navigation.

Country page

Navigation buttons have been added to the Blask index and Market share charts. Now you can:

  • Zoom in and out.
  • Move chars earlier or later on the date axis (one click shifts char by one granularity of a selected time filter).
  • Expand and collapse charts.
  • Return chart to default state.

Blask index and Market share charts scales are now bound together.

Colors of brands in the Market share widget are now assigned to the brand while the brand is selected.

Brand page

Added the possibility to remove brands from comparison in Brand ratio widget.

Minor improvements and fixes

Now, only country and brand names and logos, along with a navigation arrow, redirect to the corresponding page on the Countries, Country, and Brand pages.

Selected brands in compared mode are no longer reset when changing the time filter.