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Use cases and benefits of Blask Customer Profile

Blask's Customer Profile offers iGaming businesses AI-powered insights into player demographics, preferences, and behaviors. With data from 80,000+ surveys, it helps optimize marketing, product development, and expansion, enhancing engagement and promoting responsible gaming.

Blask Team

Staying ahead of the competition requires more than just intuition—it requires deep, actionable insights into your audience.

That’s where Blask's Customer Profile comes in! Powered by Blask AI and built on a foundation of over 80,000 surveys and proprietary data, Customer Profile helps iGaming businesses understand their players at a granular level, making it an essential tool for operators, affiliate teams, and marketers alike.

But how exactly can you use this powerful tool to optimize your strategy and boost engagement? Let’s dive into a few key use cases!

What can be learned through Blask Customer Profile?

Blask’s Customer Profile gives you a clear understanding of your players by providing insights into key details like their age, income level, favorite games, and motivations for playing.

Blask Customer Profile for a country. Example data.

You can see which types of games they prefer, how often they play, and what drives their behavior—whether it's the thrill of winning, social interaction, or relaxation. These insights help you tailor your marketing, adjust your game offerings, and ensure your strategy fits your audience perfectly.

You’ll know exactly who your players are and what makes them tick, giving you the edge in a competitive market.

Gain a clear picture of your audience with Customer Profile.

With this tool, you can visualize the socio-demographic characteristics of your audience in any country. You’ll know their age, income level, and motivations, giving you a precise understanding of what drives your players. This is especially important in the highly competitive iGaming industry, where tailoring your offerings to player preferences is key to success.

Blask’s Customer Profile offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional market research.

Conducting surveys or ordering custom reports can be expensive and time-consuming, often resulting in outdated information. In contrast, Blask provides continuously updated, highly accurate data at a fraction of the cost. This means that you can make data-driven decisions without the financial burden of large-scale research projects.

The Customer Profile section is available for all countries within Blask's ecosystem.

This makes it easy for iGaming marketers and industry researchers to compare player profiles across different regions, identifying trends and commonalities between markets. By understanding how player behaviors vary from one country to another, you can refine your strategies to resonate with diverse audiences and spot new opportunities for growth.

Use cases for Blask’s Customer Profile.

Better target your marketing campaigns.

Customer Profile allows you to fine-tune your marketing efforts like never before. Whether you’re running an online casino or a sports betting platform, understanding the nuances of your audience—such as their preferred game genres, income levels, or age groups—helps you craft campaigns that genuinely connect with your players.

And let's not forget about the creative side of marketing—understanding why players engage in iGaming makes it easier to create advertisements that speak to their motivations.

For instance, if a player is driven by the excitement of competition, your ads could highlight leaderboards, challenges, and rewards for top performers.

Just remember, though: all marketers inevitably end up in Hell—so better make your campaigns worth it!
An idea on how to exploit player motivations to create converting ads. Source: Best Gambling Ads Examples in 2024 — RichAds Blog

Along with this, Customer Profile highlights the touchpoints where consumers first encounter brands. If YouTube is one of these touchpoints, then focus more on collaborating with influencers. Conversely, if online search is the primary touchpoint, invest your efforts there rather than in television or radio advertising.

Create what your audience truly wants.

The insights from Customer Profile can guide your product development strategy, ensuring that you prioritize features and content that resonate most with your players. Instead of relying on general market trends, you can dive deep into the specific desires and preferences of your users.

By focusing on what your players value most, you not only boost engagement but also build long-term loyalty by delivering exactly what they want.

For example, set aside working in poker rooms if no one plays poker in the chosen country; instead, focus on slots if they are the most popular option.

Support responsible gambling.

Blask’s Customer Profile provides a clear overview of player behavior across an entire country, including the distribution of players by their level of gambling-related risk. This information allows operators to proactively implement self-exclusion mechanisms, closely monitor player activity, and offer assistance to those who may need it.

Conversely, in countries with a lower percentage of problem gamblers, operators can afford to adopt more aggressive marketing strategies to attract a larger audience and grow their brand presence, while still ensuring responsible practices are in place.

By using these insights to support player well-being, you not only foster a responsible gaming culture but also strengthen your brand’s reputation as a responsible operator.

Expand into new markets.

Blask’s Customer Profile gives you detailed insights into new markets, allowing to tailor your expansion strategy to local audiences. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, you can align your product and marketing efforts with the cultural and behavioral nuances of different regions.

Example: In India, games like Rummy are particularly popular—something you might not know without the right data. But with Blask's Customer Profile, you’ll be in the know, allowing you to tailor your offerings to the local market. Instead of focusing on casino games or sports betting, you can prioritize what really matters to your players and design your strategy accordingly.

By aligning your expansion strategy with local preferences, you significantly improve the chance of gaining traction and long-term success in new territories.

When choosing a new country, you can consider the audience you are already skilled at engaging with. For instance, if your brand has already achieved success in Kenya, you are more likely to succeed in Tanzania than in the Netherlands. The more similarities there are between the countries, the easier it will be for you to climb the ladder of success.

Identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

Blask’s Customer Profile helps you identify which products are most popular among players in your country, allowing you to focus on the activities that engage your audience the most. By analyzing player behavior, you can easily see which products lead the way in popularity.

For example, if casino games are the primary interest and sports betting follows closely behind, you have the perfect opportunity to create a combined offering that leverages both activities, something like, “Spend $100 on casino games and get $10 for sports betting.”

By highlighting your top-performing products and combining them strategically, you can drive engagement across your platform and increase player value.

Combine different Blask products into one super solution.

Think of Blask’s products like the Power Rangers: individually, each one is powerful and capable on its own, but when combined, they form a superpowered solution that can tackle any challenge.

If you decide to launch your iGaming brand in a new country, consider all options across the full spectrum:

  • The Customer Profile tool will help you select countries with audiences that have similar interests, motivations, or income levels, making it easier for you to connect with players.
  • The core analytics from Blask will identify comparable countries based on Blask Index, eGGR, eFTD, and YoY/MoM growth. This way, you can find a market with similar size and growth rates — one that you are already familiar with.
  • Be sure to read our blog! Here, we not only discuss Blask products but also share analytics, such as our article on how the Indian Premier League 2024 influenced interest in iGaming entertainment in India.

The more you know about a country's market, the better! And with Blask, you gain a comprehensive 360-degree view of the iGaming industry!

Unlock your iGaming potential with Blask!

Blask empowers you to make data-driven decisions, optimize marketing strategies, and drive significant GGR increases by providing unparalleled clarity about the iGaming market and your performance.

Curious about our precision? Discover our article "What is Blask?" and how Blask's cutting-edge technology is transforming iGaming analytics.

Ready to experience Blask in action?

  • Sign up for free demo access and explore real data on the TOP-5 brands per country: Get a firsthand look at Blask's capabilities.
  • Request a personalized demo with full access to data tailored to your niche and objectives. Fill out the form at to help us prepare use cases specific to your needs.

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