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What is Blask Customer Profile and how it revolutionizes iGaming analytics

Blask Customer Profile uses AI and data from 80,000 surveys to create detailed iGaming player profiles. It offers insights into demographics, spending, and behavior, helping brands optimize marketing, products, and promote responsible gambling.

Blask Team

Customer Profile, powered by Blask's AI, leverages over 80,000 surveys, regulatory data, and player psychology to create precise iGaming audience profiles. This data-driven approach has been validated for accuracy, enabling more effective targeted marketing, product optimization, and responsible gambling measures.

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of iGaming, understanding your players isn't just an advantage—it's a necessity. Knowing who your players are, what they want, and how they behave can be the difference between hitting the jackpot and folding early.

Enter Blask's groundbreaking Customer Profile, the ultimate tool designed to transform the way you see and engage with your audience.

If you're working in an iGaming brand, you likely know your audience well—you’ve segmented them, understand their preferences, age, and interests, and can even engage with them effectively. But do you really know the average player across the country? Beyond your existing customer base lies an untapped world of potential players—entire countries and millions of individuals waiting to discover your brand. Who are they? What do they like? How do they spend their time? Without this knowledge, even your best products and marketing strategies might not hit their full potential.

Now, with Blask's Customer Profile, you can go beyond the limits of your current customer base. Expand your understanding from a narrow focus on your brand's audience to a broader, nationwide perspective. By leveraging Blask’s insights, you'll be able to tap into new markets, uncover hidden opportunities, and scale your campaigns for greater impact.

Why is Blask Customer Profile your new best friend?

Blask’s Customer Profile is not just another data tool; it’s a powerful engine that delivers in-depth insights into the minds of players. It goes beyond surface-level metrics to provide a detailed portrait of your audience, enabling iGaming operators to make informed decisions that resonate with their target market.

The primary purpose of Blask Customer Profile is to provide a portrait of the average player and to illustrate the distribution of players by age, income level, social class, and other parameters that are of particular interest to brand marketers and researchers in the iGaming market.

How do we achieve this? Our methodology combines extensive data sources and advanced AI-driven analysis. To dive deeper into our methodology, read the article till the end!

Why choose Blask Customer Profile?

  • Comprehensive market analysis: When combined with Blask’s core product, Customer Profile offers a 360-degree view of the iGaming markets. By understanding market growth, brand leadership, market capacity (FTD, GGR), and potential client profiles, you can make informed decisions.
  • Cost-effective: It’s more affordable than conducting independent research.
  • Up-to-date and accurate: Our data is continually updated, providing more accurate insights than outdated reports from open sources.

Blask’s AI model aggregates data from various sources and predicts market fluctuations. For example, what if platforms like Viber follow Meta in allowing gambling ads? Customer Profile can even highlight emerging trends among unexpected demographics, ensuring you’re prepared for shifts in the market. While traditional surveys offer a snapshot, Blask analyzes everything, everywhere, for a precise picture.

The Customer Profile section is available for all countries present in Blask.

No more shooting in the dark or relying on outdated data. With Customer Profile, you have a state-of-the-art tool that evolves alongside your players and the market, ensuring you’re always in the best position to succeed.

Blask Customer Profile brings you insights on your audience.

With Customer Profile, you'll know:

Player age.

Understanding the age demographics of your players helps tailor experiences that resonate with specific generations. Whether targeting young adults or seasoned players, you can design and promote products that appeal directly to each age group, creating more engaging and relevant content.

Use case:  

★ Tailor your products to the age of the players. For instance, individuals aged 18-24 may be interested in slots featuring Nike sneakers, while the audience aged 50 and above is more likely to engage in betting on chess tournaments.

Keep in mind that in some countries, younger audiences may find ways to bypass age restrictions and register for iGaming platforms. However, Blask is committed to promoting responsible gambling, which is why our reports focus exclusively on players aged 18 and over.

Annual income.

Knowing your players' financial capacity allows you to align your offerings with their spending power. This insight enables you to tailor promotions, bonus structures, and pricing to suit different income levels, maximizing engagement and revenue.

The income level is displayed in local currency. For instance, in rupees for India and euros for the Netherlands.

Use case:

★ If the average income of a player is below the national average, offer players bonuses on deposits and allow them to make smaller deposits without incurring fees.

Education status.

Understanding the educational background of your players helps refine communication strategies and content. Higher education levels might suggest a preference for more complex games, while different educational backgrounds might lean towards simpler experiences.

Use case:

★ For a player base with higher education levels, introduce strategy-based games like poker or games that require skill and knowledge, while offering simpler, more casual games for a broader audience.

Employment status.

Discovering whether your players are students, professionals, or retirees informs the timing of your promotions. This knowledge helps you align activities with when each segment is most active, ensuring maximum engagement and relevance.

Use case:

★ Schedule promotions and special events for professionals during evenings and weekends, while targeting retirees with daytime offers when they are more likely to be active.


Knowing the career fields of your players allows you to tailor game themes and marketing efforts to their interests. This insight enhances content relevance, creating a stronger connection between your brand and your audience.

Use case:

★ If a significant portion of your players work in the tech industry, consider introducing games with futuristic or tech-inspired themes that resonate with their interests.

Sports online betting motivations.

Understanding why your players engage in sports betting allows you to craft offers that resonate with their desires, whether it's the thrill of competition, social aspects, or strategic challenges.

Use case:

★ For players motivated by competition, create leaderboards and rewards for top bettors during major sports events to enhance their competitive spirit.

Casino online betting motivations.

Discovering what draws players to online casinos helps you enhance their experience by aligning your offerings with their motivations, whether they seek excitement, variety, or relaxation.

Use case:

★ If players are seeking variety, regularly introduce new games and offer promotions that encourage them to explore different types of games, keeping their experience fresh and exciting.

Which products do players use.

Identifying the iGaming products your players prefer helps you focus on popular offerings and explore opportunities for cross-promotion and new product development, keeping your platform competitive and engaging.

Use case:

★ If a significant portion of your players favor sports betting, consider cross-promoting with casino games by offering free spins or bonuses for trying out new slots or table games.

iGaming brand touchpoints.

Understanding where your players discover and interact with your brand helps optimize your marketing strategy. By focusing on the most impactful channels like YouTube, social media, or TV commercials, you can enhance brand visibility and engagement.

Use case:

★ If most players find a brand through social media, increase your investment in social media marketing, create engaging content, and run targeted ads to attract more potential players.

Problem gambler status.

Being aware of players who may be at risk of problem gambling, allows you to implement responsible gaming measures and offer support to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for all players.

Use case:

★ If Customer Profile indicates a higher prevalence of problem gambling in a particular country, you can proactively enhance your brand's responsible gaming tools, such as prominently featuring self-exclusion options and responsible gambling resources in that region, while also tailoring your marketing messages to emphasize safe and enjoyable gaming experiences.

How does Blask Customer Profile get the data?

At Blask, we believe that exceptional products are built on exceptional data. To create Customer Profile, we embarked on an ambitious journey that combined traditional research methods with cutting-edge technology, ensuring unparalleled accuracy and insight.

Blask Customer Profile begins with a foundation of extensive, real-world data collected through over 80,000 detailed surveys. These surveys were meticulously designed to capture a comprehensive understanding of player behavior, preferences, and demographics. By reaching a diverse audience across various regions, we ensured that the data we gathered was both broad and deep, providing an authentic snapshot of the iGaming landscape. This data laid the groundwork for our advanced analytics and set the stage for the development of our AI model.

To enhance the accuracy and scalability of our insights, we integrated this vast dataset with a sophisticated AI model. This model is powered by a combination of external data sources and proprietary databases. External sources include publicly available information, social media trends, and industry reports, which help us keep the model current and contextually aware. Our proprietary databases, which contain exclusive and highly detailed information about player behavior and market trends, provide the AI with a rich, nuanced understanding of the iGaming ecosystem.

The result is an AI model that doesn’t just analyze data—it learns from it, continually refining its predictions and insights. By cross-referencing the real-world survey data with AI-generated predictions, we’ve achieved a level of precision that is unmatched in the industry. This hybrid approach ensures that Blask Customer Profile is not only highly accurate but also reliably reflects the true behaviors and motivations of players, giving you unparalleled insights to drive your strategy forward.

We invite you to read an article detailing how Blask collected over 80,000 responses to a survey, and subsequently developed and tested an AI model. In the article, we thoroughly discuss our methodology and validate the accuracy of the data.

Turn data into actions.

Blask Customer Profile provides an essential tool for gaining a deeper understanding of your iGaming audience. With its reliable, data-driven insights, you can make informed decisions that enhance your ability to connect with players and refine your strategies. By leveraging the detailed information provided by Blask, you can improve your marketing efforts, better align your offerings with the needs of your audience and position your brand for sustained success in a competitive market.

Stay tuned! Exciting new products from Blask are on the horizon, set to dive even deeper into iGaming analytics. We're committed to continuously enhancing your understanding of the market and delivering the tools you need to stay ahead. Keep an eye out for what's coming next—your competitive edge is about to get even sharper.

Unlock your iGaming potential with Blask!

Blask empowers you to make data-driven decisions, optimize marketing strategies, and drive significant GGR increases by providing unparalleled clarity about the iGaming market and your performance.

Curious about our precision? Discover our article "What is Blask?" and how Blask's cutting-edge technology is transforming iGaming analytics.

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