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Track Blask's progress through our detailed changelogs. Stay updated on new features, bug fixes, and enhancements.

Global Brands.

Blask has launched the Global Brands page, where it has gathered all iGaming brands from various countries in one place. All the data is compiled into a single table that allows sorting brands by important metrics such as BAP, APS, CEB, and MoM and YoY growth.

Additionally, a new layout for the brand page has been introduced, which instead consolidates all the countries where the brand is present. This table can also be sorted by BAP, APS, CEB, and MoM and YoY growth, allowing users to see the markets where the brand truly excels and where it is underperforming.


Blask continues to develop its product, Blask Games, which gathers statistics on all well-known online games within the iGaming industry. In February, we created game pages and compiled the following information: 

  • Countries where the game is available
  • Charts of Blask Index and Share of Interest, reflecting changes in the game's popularity
  • The most popular games nearby

Blask Games is still in its development stage, so we would greatly appreciate any feedback!

Technical Improvements.

  • We have reinstated Intercom on the website for quick communication with Blask.
  • The "Other" brand/games option can now be hidden from the Blask Index, Share of Interest, and BAP charts. Please ensure that the "adaptive height" option is enabled for the chart.
  • Licenses with open start/end dates are now supported.
  • We have introduced a technical issues banner to inform users about potential data problems.

Timeframe and data granularity.

Timeframe and granularity filters are now independent, allowing more flexible data analysis. You can now combine different timeframes with various granularities (month, day, hour) in the following supported combinations:

  • All time – months, days
  • 1 year – months, days
  • 3 months – months, days
  • 1 month – days, hours
  • 1 week – days, hours

Country metrics added.

We’ve introduced basic socio-economic data for countries, now available in the Market Overview section. These metrics provide additional insights when evaluating new markets.

Metric renaming.

To improve clarity, we've updated some metric names:

Note: These are name changes only; calculation methods remain the same for now but may be adjusted in future updates.

Local and international brands.

We've enhanced Blask’s licensing data for regulated markets:

  • Brands are now categorized as Local if they hold a license for all supported verticals in a specific country.
  • Brands are marked as Mixed if they hold a license for only some verticals but not all.


  • Blask Index and CEB metrics can now be filtered to show results for local and international brands separately.
  • Local/International filter has been added to the companies table in country-specific reports.

Games (beta release).

We've launched the Games tab (beta) in select markets! This new feature provides insights into player interest in popular games, including their Share of Interest (SOI).

Improvements & fixes.

  • Updated UI elements across multiple sections.
  • Removed Intercom app from Blask (still accessible via
  • CEB is now the default sorting metric for certain lists.
  • Minimum password requirements have been introduced for better security.
  • Added a search field to the country list for easier navigation.
  • Timeframe switching improved – now automatically applies the default granularity for each timeframe.
  • Various minor fixes and optimizations.

🚀 More updates are on the way—stay tuned!

Blask release note 17.05.2024

Gross Gaming Revenue

We are introducing a Gross Gaming Revenue metric to Blask. GGR is available on the Country and Brand levels. Please note that GGR is currently only available for the completed month and at a monthly granularity. The metric is found in countries and brand tables. The dynamics for the last 12 months are shown when switching tabs in the FTD/GGR widget. Along with FTD, this metric is presented as a confidence interval, with an “Average” being the number calculated by the Blask AI model. We are committed to continuous improvement and will keep working on enhancing the model to provide the most precise data available in the industry.

New countries

  • Ghana
  • Mozambique
  • Chile

Improvements and fixes

  • The expanded or collapsed state of the Blask Index and Relative Market Share widgets is no longer reset when changing the time filter or browsing Blask.
  • Implemented redesigned page headers.
  • The customer profile section on country pages is retired for now. It will return later this year after a complete redesign and methodology overhaul to provide our customers with more useful and reliable data.
  • Added the brand name to widgets on a brand page so it can no longer be confused with a country page.
  • Added site footer.
  • Numerous internal data reliability and service performance improvements. Other minor improvements and fixes.

Blask release note 14.02.2024

Introducing a new Countries Page for comparing country-level data. Improvements to the Country page include displaying market share, MoM, and YoY data up to the selected time period's end date, along with updating terminology to "FTD" and adding granularity hints to time filters.

Countries Page

  • Added Countries - a page that provides general country-level information, allowing users to compare data across different countries on a single page.
  • This page will serve as a starting point for users when they access Blask.


Country page

  • Market share, Month-over-Month (MoM), and Year-over-Year (YoY) data are now displayed as of the date at the end of a selected time period.
  • The term "New users" has been updated to "FTD" (First Time Depositors), with FTD being calculated as the sum of FTDs for full months within a selected time period. This metric is available only for completed months and as monthly sum.

Minor improvements and fixes

  • Added granularity hint to time filters.
  • Added additional tooltips to the Country page.
  • Added dates and time to Blask Index dots on certain granularities.
  • Changed granularity to “days“ for custom time filters spanning three months or less, with daily data availability starting from August 2023.
  • Click on the Blask logo will now direct to the Countries page.
  • User sign-up is returned to the login page. Please get in touch with the Blask team to add new users to your user group.

Blask release note 27.03.2023

Q4 2023 data for India and Brazil is added, and header navigation is implemented. Navigation buttons on the Country page enhance chart manipulation, while the Brand page allows removing brands from comparison. Minor fixes improve navigation and maintain selected brands during time filter changes.


Updated India and Brazil customer profiles with data for Q4 2023.

Implemented header navigation.

Country page

Navigation buttons have been added to the Blask index and Market share charts. Now you can:

  • Zoom in and out.
  • Move chars earlier or later on the date axis (one click shifts char by one granularity of a selected time filter).
  • Expand and collapse charts.
  • Return chart to default state.

Blask index and Market share charts scales are now bound together.

Colors of brands in the Market share widget are now assigned to the brand while the brand is selected.

Brand page

Added the possibility to remove brands from comparison in Brand ratio widget.

Minor improvements and fixes

Now, only country and brand names and logos, along with a navigation arrow, redirect to the corresponding page on the Countries, Country, and Brand pages.

Selected brands in compared mode are no longer reset when changing the time filter.

Blask release note 01.03.2023

Introducing a new Brand Page for comprehensive brand insights at a country level, accessible via the "All brands" table. Improved account features enable easier management, while minor fixes enhance overall user experience.

Brand Page

  • Introduced a new Brand Page that provides country-level information about a brand, allowing users to delve deep into the brand's performance in specific country and compare data with the country leader and closest competitors on a single page.
  • The brand's page can be accessed by clicking on the brand in the "All brands" table on a Country page.
  • On the brand’s page you can find:
  • (1) General information about the brand:
  • Brand’s name, logo and brand’s platforms
  • Date of the first Blask information about the brand
  • Other countries the brand is represented on Blask
  • Last completed month stats
  • A menu to switch between countries brand is represented on Blask
  • (2) Brand’s Blask index and market share dynamics
  • (3) Brand’s market share comparison with country leader and it closest competitors (one place above and one place below as of last completed month data), and the rest of the market
  • (4) Last completed month ranking showing country leader, brand and its closest competitor
  • (5) Brand’s First Time Depositors (FTD) dynamics, Month-over-Month (MoM), and Year-over-Year (YoY) FTD growth in dynamics


Account and Profile

  • Now you can log out your account
  • Now you can see your current plan days left in a profile menu and plan’s due date on a profile page

  • Now you can change your name and account password in profile settings
  • Now you can create new invoice from profile menu and on the profile page

Minor improvements and fixes

  • All new users will be automatically added to a new group and assigned as group admin. Please get in touch with the Blask team to add new users to your user group.
  • “Countries” tab in a page header will now lead to Countries page
  • Updated login page images
  • N/A tooltip for FTD granularities of a day and a week is changes to PNDG (Pending) to correctly describe data state